We will use this page to share the annual accomplishments of our dogs, our puppies and our training dogs. This is not a complete list so we apologize for anything we have left out.
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - UHCH title (retroactive, earned in Feb 2020), 6 master passes, 1 finished pass, master national qualifier
*Wally - UHCH title, 2 upland passes
*Laird (Training) - 5 master pass, 6 finished passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Croc (Training) - HRCH title, MH title, 4 finished pass, 6 master passes, master national qualifier
*Jade (Training) - 2 finishes passes, 3 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Molly (Training) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 master passes, 1 finished pass, 2024 master national qualifier
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 2 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Ritz - 5 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - 2 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Bandit (Training, Wally x Hooch) - 8 finishes passes, 6 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - 2 finished pass, 2 master passes
*Waffles (Training) - 2 seasoned passes
*Buzz (Cash x Freedom) - HR title, APR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Maggie G (Cash x Freedom) - HR title, CPR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass
*Echo (Training, Cash x Freedom) - HR title, 2 started passes, 3 seasoned passes
*Patch (Cash x Freedom) - 2 seasoned pass
*Maggy P. (Training, Cash x Freedom) - HR title, 2 started passes, 3 seasoned passes
*Ripp (Wally x Nene 2020) - HR title, 2 seasoned passes
*Tess (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ember (Training) - 2 started passes, 1 seasoned pass
*Dixie (Cash x Freedom) - 2 started passes
*Gus (Pike x Wiggles) - 1 started pass
Current as of 8/25/2024
*Bandit (Training, Wally x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 2 grand passes, 6 finished pass, 2 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 1 grand pass fall, 3rd series spring grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 1 grass pass fall, 2nd series spring grand, 1 Master National pass, 5 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 7 finished passes
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - 1 grand pass, 1 Master National pass, 10 finished passes, 4 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - Open 2-2nd, 3-3rd, 4th
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 4th series spring grand, 4th series MN, 5 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 2 finished passes
*Ritz - MH title, 4 master pass, 2 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Laird (Training) - MH Title, 4th series MN, 5 master pass, 9 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Jade (Training) - MH Title, 1 Master National pass, 10 finished passes, 8 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 3rd series fall grand
*Wally -1000 pts, 2 master passes, 10 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 4th series fall grand
*Ripley (Training) - 3 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 4 finished passes
*Molly (Training, Fire x Hooch granddaughter) - 3 finished passes, 1 master pass
*Thunder (Twitch x Shadow, Training) - CGCU, CGC, TKI, DM titles
*Croc (Training) - HR Title, 4 seasoned passes
*Nick (Training) - HR Title, 3 seasoned passes
*Ace (Training) - HR title, 2 seasoned passes, 2 senior passes
*Kindle (Training) - 2 senior passes
*Cooper (Training, Pike x Wiggles) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Quinn (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Cash (Martin, Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes, 2 junior passes
*Moira (Training) - 1 started pass
*Waffles (Training) - 2 started passes
*Bo (Training) - 2 started passes
*Buzz (Cash x Freedom) - SHR title, CPR title, 4 started passes, 2 cpr passes
*Maggie (Gioia, Cash x Freedom) - SHR title, 4 started passes, 1 junior pass
*Patch (Cash x Freedom) - 2 started passes
*Loco - 2 started passes
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 started pass, run by junior handler
*Hope - 1 started pass, run by junior handler
Current as of 12/21/23
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - Open 1st, 2-2nd, 4th, 2-RJ and JAM, 2022 National Open qualifier
*Cash (Training) - 500 HRC pts, 5 finished passes, 2nd series of spring grand
*Zeke (Training) - HRCH title, 3 finished passes
*Ripley (Training) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - MH title, 4 master passes, 9 finished passes, 3rd series of spring grand, qualified for 2022 Master National, 2nd series of fall grand
*Wally - 11 finished passes, 4th series of spring grand, 4 master passes, 3rd series of fall grand
*Ritz - 1 Grand Pass (fall), HRCH title, 4 finished passes, 4 master passes
*Jade Eckhardt (Training) - HRCH title, HR title, 1 master pass, 3 seasoned passes, 5 finished passes
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes, 4th series of fall grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 2 finished passes, 4 master passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 1 Grand Pass (fall) 500 HRC pts, 11 finished passes, 4th series of spring grand, 4 master passes
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 6 finished passes, 3rd series of spring grand
*Laird (Training) - HRCH title, HR title, 4 master passes, 4 seasoned passes, 8 finished passes
*Molly (Training, Hooch granddaughter) -HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Hank (Training) - HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Jade Eickhoff (Training, Twitch x Shadow) - HR title, 2 started passes, 4 seasoned passes
*Ziggy (Training) - 2 seasoned passes
*Dakota (Wally x Nene, Training) - HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Jax (Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Kindle (Training) - 1 seasoned pass
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 junior pass w/ junior handler, 1 finished pass
*Rip (Wally x Nene 2020) - 1 junior pass, 1 seasoned pass
*Ember (Wally x Nene 2020) - 1 seasoned pass
*Ace (Training) - 1 seasoned pass
*Hope - 1 started pass w/ junior handler
Current as of 10/26/22
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - 2021 national Open finalist, 3 Open wins, 1 Open second, 1 Open JAM
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 500 HRC pts, MH title, 5 master passes, 4 upland passes, 7 finished passes, made it to the 5th series of the Grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 1 Grand pass, MH title, 6 master passes, qualified for Master National, 3 finished passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 500 HRC pts, 6 upland passes, 2 finished pass, 1 senior pass, 2 master passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - MH title, 14 finished passes, 10 master passes, made it to the 4th series of the Grand
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 1 Grand pass, MH Title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Wally - MH title, 6 master pass, 3 finished pass, made it to the 5th series of the Grand
*Sammie (Training) - MH Title, 8 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - MH title, 500 HRC pts, 4 master passes, 3 finished pass, made it to the 3rd series of the Grand
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - 500 pts
*Zeke (Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass
*Gauge (Wally x Nene, Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Ritz - HR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass, 1 master pass
*Stormi (Wally x Ellie grandpuppy, 2020 Training) - HR Title, 4 seasoned passes, JH Title, 4 junior passes
*Castle (Wally x Ellie grandpuppy) - HR title, 4 seasoned pass
*Ursula (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Piper (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Kona (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Lena (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ace (2020 Training) - JH title, 4 junior passes
*Ripp (Wally x Nene 2020) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Jade Eckhardt (Training) - 2 started passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HRCH title
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HR title, 1 Finished pass
*Shadow (Training) - HR title, 1 Finished pass, 4 Junior passes for her JH title
*Zeke (Training) - SHR title, 4 Junior passes for JH title
*Gauge (Wally x Nene, Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Riley (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ursula (Training) - 1 Started pass
*Ritz - 2 started passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 4 Upland passes
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 10 for 10 in Finished passes, hit 400 HRC pts
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 3 Master passes
*Wiggles - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - UH Title, 10 Finished passes, 2 Master passes
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - 1 Amateur JAM
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HR title
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - FC title, 2 Open wins, 1 Amateur win, National Open Qualifier - 8th series
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - SHR title
*Shadow (Training) - SHR title
*Sammie (Training) - HRCH title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - UH Title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 2 Senior passes, 8 Finishes passes
*Wally - 2 Senior passes, 1 Started pass with junior handler
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 Started pass with junior handler
*Hope - 2 Upland passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - 10 Finished passes
*Hope - HR title, 1 finished pass
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Diamond (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Emma (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Kola (Kota x Ellie) - Finished pass
*Ellie (Fire x Hooch) - HR title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - HRCH Title
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - QA2, Open win
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - 2 Started passes
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - HR title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - HRCH and UH titles
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie)- HRCH title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - HR title
*Wally - 500 pts
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - HRCH Title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - HR Title
*Kola (Kota x Ellie) - HR title
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - HR title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - SHR title
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 2 Qual Jams, 1 Master pass
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - HR title, 2 Derby JAMS
*Drake (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title
*Wally - UH Title
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - HRCH and UH titles, 1 Master pass
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 2 Started passes
*Isa (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title
*Ellie - UH title
*Ellie - HR and HRCH titles
*Wally - HR and HRCH titles
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title, 1 finished pass
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - SHR title
*Ellie - 2 started passes, 2 seasoned passes
*Drake (Rascal x Ellie) - 2 started passes
*Isa (Rascal x Ellie) - SHR title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - UHCH title (retroactive, earned in Feb 2020), 6 master passes, 1 finished pass, master national qualifier
*Wally - UHCH title, 2 upland passes
*Laird (Training) - 5 master pass, 6 finished passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Croc (Training) - HRCH title, MH title, 4 finished pass, 6 master passes, master national qualifier
*Jade (Training) - 2 finishes passes, 3 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Molly (Training) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 master passes, 1 finished pass, 2024 master national qualifier
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 2 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Ritz - 5 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - 2 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Bandit (Training, Wally x Hooch) - 8 finishes passes, 6 master passes, 2024 master national qualifier
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - 2 finished pass, 2 master passes
*Waffles (Training) - 2 seasoned passes
*Buzz (Cash x Freedom) - HR title, APR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Maggie G (Cash x Freedom) - HR title, CPR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass
*Echo (Training, Cash x Freedom) - HR title, 2 started passes, 3 seasoned passes
*Patch (Cash x Freedom) - 2 seasoned pass
*Maggy P. (Training, Cash x Freedom) - HR title, 2 started passes, 3 seasoned passes
*Ripp (Wally x Nene 2020) - HR title, 2 seasoned passes
*Tess (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ember (Training) - 2 started passes, 1 seasoned pass
*Dixie (Cash x Freedom) - 2 started passes
*Gus (Pike x Wiggles) - 1 started pass
Current as of 8/25/2024
*Bandit (Training, Wally x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 2 grand passes, 6 finished pass, 2 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 1 grand pass fall, 3rd series spring grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - GRHRCH title, 1 grass pass fall, 2nd series spring grand, 1 Master National pass, 5 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 7 finished passes
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - 1 grand pass, 1 Master National pass, 10 finished passes, 4 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - Open 2-2nd, 3-3rd, 4th
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 4th series spring grand, 4th series MN, 5 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 2 finished passes
*Ritz - MH title, 4 master pass, 2 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Laird (Training) - MH Title, 4th series MN, 5 master pass, 9 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier
*Jade (Training) - MH Title, 1 Master National pass, 10 finished passes, 8 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 3rd series fall grand
*Wally -1000 pts, 2 master passes, 10 finished passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 4th series fall grand
*Ripley (Training) - 3 master passes, 2023 master national qualifier, 4 finished passes
*Molly (Training, Fire x Hooch granddaughter) - 3 finished passes, 1 master pass
*Thunder (Twitch x Shadow, Training) - CGCU, CGC, TKI, DM titles
*Croc (Training) - HR Title, 4 seasoned passes
*Nick (Training) - HR Title, 3 seasoned passes
*Ace (Training) - HR title, 2 seasoned passes, 2 senior passes
*Kindle (Training) - 2 senior passes
*Cooper (Training, Pike x Wiggles) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Quinn (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Cash (Martin, Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes, 2 junior passes
*Moira (Training) - 1 started pass
*Waffles (Training) - 2 started passes
*Bo (Training) - 2 started passes
*Buzz (Cash x Freedom) - SHR title, CPR title, 4 started passes, 2 cpr passes
*Maggie (Gioia, Cash x Freedom) - SHR title, 4 started passes, 1 junior pass
*Patch (Cash x Freedom) - 2 started passes
*Loco - 2 started passes
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 started pass, run by junior handler
*Hope - 1 started pass, run by junior handler
Current as of 12/21/23
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - Open 1st, 2-2nd, 4th, 2-RJ and JAM, 2022 National Open qualifier
*Cash (Training) - 500 HRC pts, 5 finished passes, 2nd series of spring grand
*Zeke (Training) - HRCH title, 3 finished passes
*Ripley (Training) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - MH title, 4 master passes, 9 finished passes, 3rd series of spring grand, qualified for 2022 Master National, 2nd series of fall grand
*Wally - 11 finished passes, 4th series of spring grand, 4 master passes, 3rd series of fall grand
*Ritz - 1 Grand Pass (fall), HRCH title, 4 finished passes, 4 master passes
*Jade Eckhardt (Training) - HRCH title, HR title, 1 master pass, 3 seasoned passes, 5 finished passes
*Stormi (Training, Wally x Ellie granddaughter) - MH title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes, 4th series of fall grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 2 finished passes, 4 master passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 1 Grand Pass (fall) 500 HRC pts, 11 finished passes, 4th series of spring grand, 4 master passes
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 6 finished passes, 3rd series of spring grand
*Laird (Training) - HRCH title, HR title, 4 master passes, 4 seasoned passes, 8 finished passes
*Molly (Training, Hooch granddaughter) -HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Hank (Training) - HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Jade Eickhoff (Training, Twitch x Shadow) - HR title, 2 started passes, 4 seasoned passes
*Ziggy (Training) - 2 seasoned passes
*Dakota (Wally x Nene, Training) - HR title, 4 seasoned passes
*Jax (Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Kindle (Training) - 1 seasoned pass
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 junior pass w/ junior handler, 1 finished pass
*Rip (Wally x Nene 2020) - 1 junior pass, 1 seasoned pass
*Ember (Wally x Nene 2020) - 1 seasoned pass
*Ace (Training) - 1 seasoned pass
*Hope - 1 started pass w/ junior handler
Current as of 10/26/22
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - 2021 national Open finalist, 3 Open wins, 1 Open second, 1 Open JAM
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 500 HRC pts, MH title, 5 master passes, 4 upland passes, 7 finished passes, made it to the 5th series of the Grand
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 1 Grand pass, MH title, 6 master passes, qualified for Master National, 3 finished passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 500 HRC pts, 6 upland passes, 2 finished pass, 1 senior pass, 2 master passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - MH title, 14 finished passes, 10 master passes, made it to the 4th series of the Grand
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - 1 Grand pass, MH Title, HRCH title, 6 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Wally - MH title, 6 master pass, 3 finished pass, made it to the 5th series of the Grand
*Sammie (Training) - MH Title, 8 finished passes, 6 master passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - MH title, 500 HRC pts, 4 master passes, 3 finished pass, made it to the 3rd series of the Grand
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - 500 pts
*Zeke (Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass
*Gauge (Wally x Nene, Training) - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Ritz - HR title, 3 seasoned passes, 1 finished pass, 1 master pass
*Stormi (Wally x Ellie grandpuppy, 2020 Training) - HR Title, 4 seasoned passes, JH Title, 4 junior passes
*Castle (Wally x Ellie grandpuppy) - HR title, 4 seasoned pass
*Ursula (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Piper (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Kona (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Lena (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ace (2020 Training) - JH title, 4 junior passes
*Ripp (Wally x Nene 2020) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Jade Eckhardt (Training) - 2 started passes
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HRCH title
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HR title, 1 Finished pass
*Shadow (Training) - HR title, 1 Finished pass, 4 Junior passes for her JH title
*Zeke (Training) - SHR title, 4 Junior passes for JH title
*Gauge (Wally x Nene, Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Riley (Training) - SHR title, 4 started passes
*Ursula (Training) - 1 Started pass
*Ritz - 2 started passes
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 4 Upland passes
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 10 for 10 in Finished passes, hit 400 HRC pts
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - 3 Master passes
*Wiggles - HR title, 3 seasoned passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - UH Title, 10 Finished passes, 2 Master passes
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - 1 Amateur JAM
*Bandit (Wally x Hooch, Training) - HR title
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - FC title, 2 Open wins, 1 Amateur win, National Open Qualifier - 8th series
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - SHR title
*Shadow (Training) - SHR title
*Sammie (Training) - HRCH title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - UH Title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 2 Senior passes, 8 Finishes passes
*Wally - 2 Senior passes, 1 Started pass with junior handler
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 1 Started pass with junior handler
*Hope - 2 Upland passes
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - 10 Finished passes
*Hope - HR title, 1 finished pass
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Diamond (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Emma (Fire x Hooch) - HRCH title
*Kola (Kota x Ellie) - Finished pass
*Ellie (Fire x Hooch) - HR title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - HRCH Title
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - QA2, Open win
*Freedom (Wally x Hooch) - 2 Started passes
*Nene (Fire x Hooch) - HR title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - HRCH and UH titles
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie)- HRCH title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - HR title
*Wally - 500 pts
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - HRCH Title
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - HR Title
*Kola (Kota x Ellie) - HR title
*Brimson (Wally x Ellie) - HR title
*Zeke (Wally x Ellie) - SHR title
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - 2 Qual Jams, 1 Master pass
*Camo (Kota x Ellie) - HR title, 2 Derby JAMS
*Drake (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title
*Wally - UH Title
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - HRCH and UH titles, 1 Master pass
*Twitch (Kota x Ellie) - 2 Started passes
*Isa (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title
*Ellie - UH title
*Ellie - HR and HRCH titles
*Wally - HR and HRCH titles
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - HR title, 1 finished pass
*Hooch (Rascal x Ellie) - SHR title
*Ellie - 2 started passes, 2 seasoned passes
*Drake (Rascal x Ellie) - 2 started passes
*Isa (Rascal x Ellie) - SHR title